2024 NEPG Loyalty Program Up-Date

2024 NEPG Loyalty Program Up-Date


The NEPG has up-dated its pre-registration loyalty program awarding NEW RIDERS loyal to the NEPG series and those from co-sanctioned series for upcoming events, the option of pre-registering a day early, especially as many are preparing for their final championship runs .

If you have raced in MORE than 50% of the races in the current NEPG season (2024), you will be added to a list that will allow you to sign up 1 day earlier than the regular registration open day. For the regional riders that have raced in MORE than 50% of their co-sanctioned series in 2024 at the time of the NEPG entry opening, will also have the option to enter 1 day earlier than the regular registration date.

If you choose to use the loyalty program, there will be an additional $20 cost per rider for each event registration. If you choose not to use the loyalty program, you can pre-register on the regular date for each event for the standard registration fee.

For example: Our next registration is the Grassman National Enduro, that would be the first event eligible for the 2024 NEPG loyalty program. If you have entered the first 6 events of the season, you would qualify for the NEPG loyalty program for the final 4 events of the 2024 season. Racers that have entered OVER 50% of their regional series that is co-sanctioned with the NEPG at the time of the NEPG pre-entry opening will also qualify.

Only racers that have qualified for the loyalty program are allowed to pre-register early. If a racer has qualified for the NEPG or a co-sanctioned event and wishes to ride that event on the same row as someone who has not qualified, you will not be allowed to register any racers that are not on the loyalty program, the software will not allow the registration.

Racers that qualify for the loyalty program are not required to sign up a day in advance. You can simply wait until the regular registration opens and register at the normal rate if you wish.

Once you qualify for the loyalty program and want to be added to the loyalty list, please contact the NEPG via email at info@nationalenduro.com with proof of qualification and your LiveLaps ID number to be added to the list.


A reminder that all online registrations will receive a $10 Race Gas Credit to your Rocky Mountain ATV/MC account.


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